Football Flags

by thisisme   Jul 28, 2009

I sit here watching this game
like a person who is about to fall.
I think to myself this is lame
I don't understand it at all.
All these calls are making me weary
They seem weird and out of place.
So I decide to make my own theory
About the little yellow flags on the plays.
The men in the zebra colored suits
Throw them our of no where sometimes,
And giving their whistles toots
They make funny little hand signs.
Sons mean things about the thrower
Which I find very odd indeed.
Others are about the catcher,
And the runner who isn't running at speed.
I smile to myself at this conclusion
Because now I'm beginning to see
I have demolished my own confusion
And I don't need anyone to explain to me.


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Latest Comments

  • 12 years ago

    by Michael

    The rhyming of this poem is good.
    i like the simplicity of words

    my only critique is that the poem did not end well because of the rhyming did not keep the flow of the poem

  • 14 years ago


    Great! 5/5

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