Lovers Behind Close Doors

by CanUKissAwayMyPain   Jul 31, 2009

* I Havent Riten For A Long While n I Think My Poetry Went Dwn... It Would Help If U Can Comment*

Friends from the start,
Lovers behind close doors.
Smiles in the sunlight,
Kisses beneath the stars.
Hugs in the raze,
Caressing eachother bodies on the bed.
Being with their partner in the open.
Being with one another without pretending.
Falling deeper for eachother.
The dark night lights fall,
The sun comes out.
Once again the faking starts.
But in matter of hours,
Their love will shine again.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Fading Memory

    Your poetry is perfect :) , as when emotions are true . nice job