"My heart erupts like
a volcano when you
are near;"
Love this simile to open this piece up, very well-expressed in such few words.
oozes from the core,"
The word "oozes" was perfect, it gives off great imagery to the reader.
"as feelings roar down
it's rigid edges in
extreme volume."
One of my favorite parts. "roar" was very unique and unexpected to read, I loved how it was used though. The rest is very descriptive and reads so smoothly.
I love this one line standing alone, also your title, it was strong by itself.
"Flowing steadily
with no restriction;"
Great job so far, I like how you mentioned that it flows with no restrictions..
"emotions cascade-
anticipating an
'I love you'...
to extinguish gushing
A powerful ending, "gushing" and "extinguish", what perfect wording that grabbed my attention! The ending was satisfying and you clearly gopt your point across.
5/5 from me, although this was a bit short, you got your message across and struck the reader. I really don't think any more could be added. Wonderful work, the part that I enjoyed most was your wording, it really set the scene for the reader.