How can I continue to fight
When I know it will not bring you back
Cry alone each night
Knowing you are gone
No one to offer me comfort
For what I need is you here
My heart aches to feel you with me once more
But I am alone
What can I do
But give you what you want
Me gone
Far away
Out of your life
No longer a bother
No longer a burden to you
Something to be dealt with and then move on from
The memories of what once was ours mean nothing
To a heart that no longer cares for me
I carry these ghosts within me
Ghosts of you, me, us
Your face haunts me everyday
Its beauty and the pain it evokes in my broken heart
But you look away
My presence is meaningless to you
So I turn from you
And from a life filled with love
I walk slowly
Knowing you won’t follow
Knowing I am alone
For I know in my heart
No longer do you love me
No longer do you care
You are gone..