Forget Me (Not)

by Angel Tears   Aug 3, 2009

Forget me, for I am not good for you
Forget me not, for I will always be true
Forgot me, for I have been shamed
Forget me not, for I was never to blame

Forget me, so you can live a happy life
Forget me not, I will help weaken the strife
Forget me, for I cannot give you all of me
Forget me not, for you have set me free

Forget me, for you deserve better than this
Forget me not, for my heart does still exist
Forget me, so you can move on with your life
Forget me not, I will forever be your wife

Forget me, I may never give you more
Forget me not, I will try to open the doors
Forget me, for I will never be good enough for you
Forget me not, I will see this through

Forget me, and let yourself live
Forget me not, on our love, I thrive
Forget me, you've already given me the best
Forget me not, for our love is truly blessed


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  • 11 years ago

    by Midnight Sky

    Awesome here lovely poem i see here that you are very talented

  • 11 years ago

    by LittleMsPink

    Love it <3

  • 15 years ago

    by Kaila

    I like how this poem sort of was like the "He loves me.. He loves me not" game. I thought it flowed very nicely together and overall I was impressed:)

  • 15 years ago

    by Ali

    Wow, really excellent:) loved it

  • 15 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    I really thought this was creative, something new, the repetition of "forget me, forget me not", it added a nice touch to this piece, and strengthed the message. What I got out of this piece is you expressing yourself, wanting that person but saying that they would be better without you, admitting your flaws and letting it all out. You are going back and forth and are unsure, at least that is what I got from this piece. You expressed yourself very well, and got the reader to relate and understand what you were going through. Hope all goes well, take care.


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