I fill my time, with work, home and school,
television, films, msn, and music
People will see this and think she must be cool
but thats not my life- it only is on the surface,
my life is a mess and I wish I wasnt so selfish,
Im friendly Im kind, Im helpful and nice
or at least I try to be but I never seem to do it right,
the people around me all I do is hurt them
Ive told them they'd be better off without me but they dont seem to listen
first there is one- who I love alot, I'd do anything to help him but I know I cant,
then there is two, a friend of 1- decided he loves me- This cannot go on
3 is a challenge I dont want to deal with
and 4 is -
tHIS ISNT A POEM i DONT CARE i JUST NEED TO WRFITE THIS DOWN CAUSE i CANT KEEP IN LOCKED IN MY HEAD ANYMORE- i JUST WANT TO SCREAM CONSTANTLY AND CRY BUT THE TEARS WONT COME, I dont know what Ive done- Im a horribel person- I dont deserve happiness, there are somethings you CANT take back- Ive done too many of them- Im so sorry to everyone but they dont wasnt to see that theyd be better off without me cause all Im going to do is hurt them- I dont want to do this- life doenst seem worth it- Im not going to kill myself- been there tried that and all it does is hurt people- I want to find a way to make this better if you think you can help without even really knowing the half of it atm- please- help me
smiling on the outside dying on the in- thats me and thats the way I'll always be cause I cant see how things will be okay- they just wont- Im better off alone and I wish people would see it- why is it that people fall in love? or decide they have? too many people like/ are in love with me
I dont get it- I dont see what anyone would see in my- people say Im nice- 'you are one of the nicest people I know' they say 'you are an amazing person' but how am I? I dont see it- I never will. they are wrong. I dont deserve to have those things said about me
I want to be better, I want to be good enough for someone- I just- I dont know how