On This Silent Winter Night

by neller   Aug 4, 2009

Winter night frost,
Trees layered by snow,
See a man's breath,
It can't be left go,
Sword in his hand,
He is ready to fight,
For the one he loves,
On this silent winter night,
Two men on horses,
Ride high on their steeds,
With an imprisoned girl,
Her love is what feeds,
Quiet between the trees,
The man flies past sight,
And takes a deep breath,
On this silent winter night,
Attack and ambush,
This man does,
To save the imprisoned girl,
To save his love,
Beat, batter, and break,
The fight is cruel and long,
Not until the man finds,
That he has done wrong,
He strikes and kills one man,
He thought he has done all right,
But one got him from the back,
On this silent winter night,
The man falls to the ground,
With his back that bleeds,
One more breath,
It is all this man needs,
Death finds him quicker,
His last wish "Take me Lord",
And the girl cries in pain,
Stares at his blood stain sword,
Tears stream down her face,
She holds herself tight,
And she falls to the body,
On this silent winter night,
"I love you so Dalthor,
But why be so dumb?
May you wait for me,
I will soon come,"
She turns and stares,
At the remaining man,
"I want you to kill me,"
The girl did demand,
He shakes his head no,
But she leaps to a fight,
He strikes her with death,
On this silent winter night.


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