
by Emily   Aug 4, 2009

Sometimes I wish I could stop breathing
Make my heart stop beating
Let my wrists keep bleeding
But somehow I keep needing

If dreams came true
I would still be with you
Lying in the grassy field
I had everything and nothing to be concealed.

But now I sit alone at school
Called and known as a fool

People walk past
[pictures never last
My heart's in a cast
But never again will it beat so fast.

If only I had my pills
And against your will
Down it by the bottles
Wash it down it gin
Remembering what I could have been
Drowning in my own sin

If only I could drag this pencil deep enough
Into my wrist
I would have my wish
Death, that's it.

If only I had some pills
I would be seeing purple hills
Purple haze
The sky in my world no longer gray

Now I sit all day
In class
Wishing it would all go away
Maybe today time will go by fast.

Go home and down another bottle.
Maybe this time she'll take me there
The only place where I feel safe.
With people like me who want to be free.
Know who they want to be.

A place I have been before
My best friend there was being called a w***e
She didn't even know herself anymore
The day I came home I wanted to go back.
I want to die, that's a fact.


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  • 15 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    This poem has such a good flow, The rhyming
    was perfect it is in a word excellent. it needs a title through. It just to good not to have a title. I like your writting style I WILL DEF. be checking out all your work AND YOU DEF. ON MY FAV. AUTHORS LIST 5/5