We can't go back
And we can't change the past
We must move on and deal with it
We can't erase the regrets we have
Or the things we didn't do
Or the things we should of knew
We can't stop time and rearrange our lives
But if only this were true
We'd all be happy, no tears to cry
And then maybe in this life, we could actually get through
All our hearts are all stitched up
Because we've all died once
That pain we felt follows us now
Leaving a bloody trail
Our loved ones hurt us
And we do the same
And our human race cannot realize we're the cause of all pain
I guarantee we won't survive
Until the day we open our eyes
Its hard to forgive
And even harder to forget
Everybody in this world knows that
Because once our eyes have seen
Our hearts will always remember that
We dared to look to catch a glimpse
And caught an image instead
Now our brains put it in file
Working overtime to run through our heads
We all remember things that were done and said
All the little speeches tucked inside our heads
Every little word that reminded us of hope
We'd swear we'd always remember
We'd promise to use such words in a time of need
To help lift our spirits
To help us on our feet
And at such times, its not that we don't remember those words
If that we forgot we had them
We forgot what we heard