I don't know you
But you helped me out when I felt blue
That's the best thing a guy can do
If only I knew
That all guys are as nice as you
I guess we both understand
That life sucks without a helping hand
Gravity is pulling me closer to land
But I want to fly away
Away from this sobby day
Hearts are the best
Things we have
Some people don't have
Them, but the rest
Do. I saw you disappear on the crest
Of a wave when you said
Goodbye, I tried not to cry.
I know that somewhere
There are clear skies
Where no one will break down and cry
I love you but you don't care
Oh, how I loved it when you pulled my hair
But that's off the point of
What I'm trying to say
Save your tears for a rainy day
All the alcohol can stay
For it is my only love
Take a bath
Don't think of the past
Love never lasts
My f-ing heart is still in a cast
Pour my heart
Out on paper
No one can save her
When she tears her wrists apart
Take me to happiness
I haven't seen it in a while
The pieces of my heart are still in a pile
Just take me with you and away from this
I don't know what to believe
But I hate it when people say things
About me. So I'll do my best to know you from your actions
And you can show me the rest.
If anything I want yo
Hear it from your mouth
Not from someones endless pout
Tell me when the sky is not blue
Then I'll have something to do
Someone to lift me up when I'm down
I don't have to wear a princess crown
Just take me with you.
I have to let go of the past
Those relationships never did last.