The movie screen flickers, there are people talking
begging for something to rely on
they ache and linger and sob and laugh because their
masochistic wallets need to be emptied.
"all the world's a play,
and the people are merely actors. The cloud-capped towers,
the gorgeous palaces..." listen to Shakespeare while
you sit awake in Room 11. Finally something caught your eye.
High school lullaby drama town is what you hear.
Typical love story; that's what people ache to see.
Or maybe you're in the mood for a horror game,
a tale of two sisters who will kill anyone close to them.
A tale of two sisters who hate when people love them, who hate
being told that one day the world will change.
Before you know it, your masochistic wallet has been busted
on hours and hours of life that you can never get back
watching movies that you might not even have enjoyed too much.
Who did you spend it with?
Or were you too busy trying to be the person that acts like the star,
"I want her hair! No, I want that shiny car..." and you drive away
with a shining bright Lincoln or Mustang and say "this is the best thing in
my life that I have ever had."
Look at those people who spend money on others than themselves
they are happy, they look rich, they make others happy and they
can do more things because they aren't spending it on movie theaters,
they are spending it on nights by the newbie rock band with a lot of friends.
Look at those cars that get broken down, that hair that has to get cut and dyed again.
Look at your masochistic wallet that doesn't carry any pictures of friends.
Check those cigarettes mom and dad left on the patio table, draw new pictures into
the clean white table and make it black the way you know their lungs are.
The way you know it will feel when they die from smoking too much even
though you begged them not to. The hundreds of dollars they poured down the drain
to get a smoke: they could have bought a couple nights down in San Francisco fishing.
You draw a smiley face and a sad face, and your best friend looks into your eyes.
But before mom and dad come back, before your emotions, your innermost desires
could ever pour out, you try to erase the images you see. You don't want to get caught
with your heart breaking. It's not a tale of two sisters. It's your reality. It's you loving
them so much but they could never take the time to actually see...
"all the world's a play,
and the people are merely actors. The cloud-capped towers,
the gorgeous palaces..." listen to Shakespeare while
you sit awake in Room 11. Finally something caught your eye.
The movie screen flickers, there are people talking
begging for something to rely on
they ache and linger and sob and laugh because their
masochistic wallets need to be emptied.
You laugh again, sit on the couch with your best friend, and your masochistic wallet
is closed and locked safely in your room. Movie time at home with no lights on:
you know she cares about you, and it's no movie. You have a chance to change
the world, and you will take it... when the movie ends.