Why do you still pop in my head?
You were the first guy I thought I loved...i don't know if I really did..
We were only children, you were my best friend and we grew up together...
When we separated I didn't think much of it...
Then I saw we kept talking...
And started thinking maybe I do care about you..
Then I saw you , and you hurt me really bad...
I forgave you though, and your words of love made me think about you more than ever...
But we never saw each other again ...
When you met her we stopped talking...
I could talk to you about anything ...just like my best friend...
I feel like you always see right through me even when we were apart...
And now..after you found her, and we stopped talking...its been a year maybe more..and you still come up in my dreams and my mind..
Why do I still think of you?
Maybe now I realize how much you mean to me...
Maybe now, when it's too late, I realize that maybe I could've loved you the same way you loved me...or maybe I really did..
Maybe you were the one for me, my soulmate, the one I was supposed to share my life with...
When I think about marrying you, the thought of it seems normal, seems like something I could do right now....
If I could just see you one more time...so you can see the new me, the real me, ...the me I was too afraid to show you 4 years ago...
If I could kiss you again and be in your arms I swear I would never let you go...
Maybe some day I will see you again, even though your heart is someone else's now..
Maybe some day you will remember about me....and what I meant to you all these years...
Maybe we are meant to be..