The Visit...

by Dreamofolwin   Aug 16, 2009

I had a visit to the hospital,
Over the weekend.
It was a minor injury,
Only myself to blame.

Sitting eating chicken,
Kentucky southern fried.
Suddenly I gulped,
I felt like I had died!

I'd swallowed a chicken bone,
And boy did it hurt.
I climbed out of the car,
And luckily along came a nurse.

She said, I couldn't drive like that,
And she offered to help me.
She took me to the hospital,
She sped there at top speed!

I sat there waiting, for two hours,
It was very sore.
I was afraid of it lodging further down,
I was nearly on the floor!

It really ached, the minutes drudged,
They suddenly called me.
My face then cracked into a smile,
My heart it jumped with glee.

Then they did an x-ray,
Oh dear, they couldn't see.
Any sign, of ANY bone!
I said how could that be?

They asked me where I felt it was,
They asked me was I sure.
I stood there thinking to myself...
This pain I can't endure!

"It's an overnight stay then" they suddenly said.
Let's get you up in the ward...
We need to operate to get it out,
I said, "Oh deary Lord!"

They got it out, Boy I was glad.
No more chicken for me!
I'm home again with my little one's,
Their face's full of glee!


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by Em

    Haha this is quite funny but I bet it would have been painful 5/5. Em

  • 15 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    Awww this was sad but yes full of humor like everyone said. i hope youre okay now (: i enjoyed this.

  • 15 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    LOL I'm happy to know you made it through ok

  • 15 years ago

    by Countess of Monte Cristo

    Hahaha.really nice,though sorry if its true:( I stopped eating chicken years ago,if ur giving it up,welcome to the club. Peace, W.

  • 15 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    Oh dear...I hope you are a bit careful with
    the chicken next time :) take care