It's not okay...

by XxLastHopexX   Aug 19, 2009

Skin stretched across her face,
Eyes caved in,
Chin jutting out....
the picture of death before me

voice raspy...
I try my best not to cringe....
to picture a time before....

I wonder how such a small, foriegn object...
seeming harmless...
invades the body...
causes such pain...
steals a life...

Staring at its product,
lying before me
I try not to cry...
I try not to move...

Her screams of pain seared in my memory.
Her dead, bleak eyes tatooed in my mind

The sporadic rise and fall of her chest...
Is the only proof that she's alive...
but even with that I see
that she gone.
technically living,
realistically dead.

Looking back,
I start to cry...
they say its ok...
but i know its not.
for no one can ever take away the pain...
Of watching a loved one die...


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  • 13 years ago

    by *NiCoLe*

    So sorry for your loss. Excellent poem though and great way to express your emotions. Thanks for the advice on my latest poem. As you can see I have made the changes. Keep writing you have great talent! 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by Mello193

    Wow. this so emotional, so painful. amazing, really

  • 13 years ago

    by Hollow Face

    Very sad poem. I wish you didn't have to see that or feel that. It flows great, good word choice and painting the images in my mind.

  • 15 years ago

    by Finalgravedigger

    The pain of watching a love one die. Its a sad thought simply watching my bird die was bad enough. nice work

  • 15 years ago

    by Samuel Dimafelix

    Awts! Too sad poems.. I felt the emotion inside you by reading this. great poem. Keep writing