Comments : The Four Seasons ( String Haiku)

  • 15 years ago

    by Sylvia

    Seasons, ah! My favorite is ending and fall is on the way, then the dreaded winter. I don't do cold very well. You did well in describing them. Good job.

  • 15 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    This was probably one of the best writes Ive seen fromyou in a while. Ive seen this idea done before, but you did it beautifully. Loved the phrase 'sun-drenched lands' -- that was great; full of imagery! Well done!

  • 15 years ago

    by ibelievedhim

    Aw I love this poem!! It's very pretty and it made me happy so I'm really glad you shared :) Your poems are always a joy to read and always so desriptive 5/5 katie

  • 15 years ago

    by Corinne

    Quite beautiful. Thank you for the tour of the seasons :-)

  • 15 years ago

    by Faithless

    I love the the imaginary that you presented here. You've truly captured the essence of each seasons.

    Excellent Job

  • 15 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    The Four Seasons ( String Haiku)


    amidst melting snow
    flowers bud, days grow longer
    foals and cubs are born^

    What beautiful imagery to start off.


    air, buzzing with life
    bright tapestry of colors
    adorns sun-drenched land^

    I love the word choice in this string.


    haze-covered meadows,
    leaves change to orange and red
    squirrels collect nuts^

    This section doesn't adhere to the syllable count. You have 5, 6,4.


    snow enfolds hushed fields,
    whilst animals hibernate
    icicles sparkle ^

    Good word choice and picture painting imagery. Nice way to describe the different seasons. I love string Haiku, it gives a little more than 3 short lines.

  • 15 years ago

    by mandy

    Very nice visuals! You really capture the reader, your choice of words are brilliant. I also enjoy how each of your poems are very distinct from one another. You give a wide variety of poems: love, nature, and your formats add it's own originality, which also gives the poems a nice flow. Outstanding write, 5/5!

    mandy :)

  • 15 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Thank you for the beautiful comments, fellow poets:)

    Rachel, a Haiku can have 5/7/5 syllables or less:

  • 15 years ago

    by Sourav

    Very beautiful write. Good selection of words. I loved the lines!

  • 15 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    Oh, I didn't realize that I always thought they were 5,7,5.
    That makes the string loose it's rhythm a bit since the other ones have the 5,7,5 count.
    A very nice piece, none-the-less :)

  • 15 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    This was a pleasure to read and what imagery was given off! I have seen this done before on here but this one just stuck out from the rest. The wording was what really got to me and I wouldn't change one word in this piece. Keep it up!

    God bless you.


  • 15 years ago

    by Robert Gardiner

    Excellent Job, a Most Lovely Write!!!

  • 15 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Wow, this was really good. i give it 5/5 because...

    1. firstly it is a unique style which takes great talent and time to make this work well, and you did that.

    2. with each line you created a clear image using your language choice and made me as a reader picture the scene as i read along, which is fantastic. makes it nice to read.

    3. it was a light subject and not heavy. one which is not wrote very often about in a high standard way.

    4. you managed to make me read from start to end without getting bored, and i didnt pick up on any mistakes so have no suggestion for improvements.

    5. i thought the title was a good fit to your poem.

    my favourite line is icicles sparkle.... because thats what is happening here right now!!!

    good job, i liked it very much and hope to read mroe from you.

    take care xx

  • 14 years ago

    by Sunshine


    I always say i love double stanzas
    when its a haiku or these little froms..cause i need details to love a poem
    and here

    this is maybe the best ever ever ever nature AND haiku I ever ever read

    so many descriptions...
    such a creative diamon my Ingrid is

    am gna give u a call soon lol


  • 9 years ago


    Such clear images of the four seasons you have given me here Ingrid, in this very descriptive and use of well thought out words.
    It brought all the seasons to life in every stanza that I read, exciting me in anticipation as to what the next line would say.
    You have taken my breath away with this colourful write Ingrid!