Comments : 11:11 i wished for you

  • 15 years ago

    by Kaila

    I loved your title! It was super cute and catchy.
    I liked your first stanza it was cute and rhymey and just sort of fun.
    The second stanza I enjoyed. Because you second guess yourself but then try to forget all at the same time.
    The third stanza was pretty original to me. You never hear in poems that someone kisses a clock, so I thought that was pretty cool.
    The fourth stanza I think your missing a word. I think there should be a "is" between want and her.
    The fifth stanza I enjoyed the last line:)
    The sixth stanza I think feeling should be feelings, I like how the poems vibe changes.
    The Seventh stanza in my opinion was a bad way to end this poem. Even if that's what happened I want to know more about it. Like what happened when you picked up the knife. I just found the end so cliche.

  • 15 years ago

    by Zeus

    I really liked the poem a lot until the end.
    I usually, randomly, turn my head up to the clock at 11:11 and although I don't believe in superstition, I find myself making a wish. I know how it is to be in the narrator's shoes. The poem gradually increases into a discomfort when you realize that seconds pass and your wish isn't true. I like the idea very much.

    My suggestion for the end is to end it in a lighter way, because the act of cutting seems a bit too harsh for the poem, but of course, it's up to you.

    Another suggestion: I think the last verse should be 11:12 as if you time to wish is over.

    Overall, it's a nice piece, I'll give it a 4.


  • 15 years ago

    by Freedom

    A nice poem,a lil bit strange,but that is what makes this poem perfect :) 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Italian Stallion

    Interesting concept for a poem. I liked it.

  • 15 years ago

    by Joyous

    Superstition? Wish at 11:11? Ehh... anyone mind to explain to me why and what?

    Anyway, the "11:11" is perfect! That numbers is so attractive! Very clever of you using it as a title, meaningful to you and attractive to others. A piece of emotional work. I personally like the sentence " I kiss the clock ". Its so fresh and new its like my first time reading it haha somehow its quite funny in a cute way.

    I've read the comments and some think you should have a better ending are the continue of the story. But I think the less you know, the more you can imagine. Thats the unique part of your poem for me. It ended in a curious and pain way. Nice! 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Katherine

    Quote "to wish is not a crime" is my favorite part and it's true. Everyone wishes for something in life breaking it down to an object to a person. Interesting ending though. 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by My Name Is Mouse

    I like how it was 11-11 all the way apart from 11-12 at the end. that was cool. i like this poem. xx

  • 15 years ago

    by Sarah Mirabile

    I always wish at 11:11. :)
    great poem! keep up the great work.