As I go along an odyssey like a journey in life
I learn a lot that quench my thirst for knowledge
Good things are embraced with nothing wasted
Always a good heart never a mean bone to one
And yet why some nit pick my follies as wicked
Am I not liable to err though a kind-hearted soul
I may cross on someone but devoid of ill thoughts
Still as if I am one who has nothing but all sordid
I speak my mind on truth without mincing a word
It hurts to be real but my loquacity knows no fib
To veil what my true self feels is hypocrisy without fail
It is better said like wearing my heart on my sleeves
I know who I am and who I'm not as no one to gainsay
But never I am a soul who is wont to turn a blind eye
Nor sneer at one's susceptibility more so to the have nots
I'm still the child of God with profound contrition as I err