The distance between the world and I

by Markuz   Aug 25, 2009

The distance between the world and I,
So far yet it's here right at my face,
With this lifetime don't seem like days,
For the distance between the world and I,
is farther than the sky,
Thoughts of thin air come and go from my mind,
the way the imagination forms its like intertwined,

Living this own world of mine like a dream,
making these thoughts a stream,
He says, she says, everyone says..
How can i be so far from reality,
when it's right here next to me?
It's because I choose to be free,
This distance between the world and I,
It's insane, it aint reality, but it also ain't a lie.

Life is just a dream,
when words fail to release,
imagination takes over and relieves,
Some kind of knowledge,
Having limits to the mind,
Wanting to extend the gap,
That is the distance between the world and I,
People reach out sometimes with a closed mind,
not knowing the distance so they flow back not crossing over their own line.

The distance between the world and I,
is like having two people gazing at one same star,
Having this mind go beyond deep and far,
This imaginative person only trying to make his mind, his heart.


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