The Bubble Effect

by CrazyCowLady   Aug 27, 2009

Growing up in a small country town
You begin to notice an effect on your world
All the well off children are together
The trouble makers have there spot together
The sport's jocks talk about the weekend football
Nerd's stick with each other
In every 'perfect' situation there is always an exception
An exception like me
I'm not rich
Sport isn't my thing
Trouble doesn't interest me
I'm not that smart
Trying to fit in with the other group's doesn't work
Changing myself to try and feel apart of something

I just sit up the back
Listen to my 'emo' music
Have my hair how I like it
Wear as much make up as I want
Dress in what is comfortable
They will accept me one day
I'm me
Changing myself won't help anyone


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  • 13 years ago

    by kayleigh

    That is a beautiful poem i love,you are a VEREY good poet.