Comments : Tears

  • 15 years ago

    by deadly sun

    Good poem and very very true, i liked the context of it a lot and enjoyed its plot but i felt it was ruined slightly by a lot of forced rhyming.

    When they come, you dont want them to, you want them to stay,
    Hidden away, and not to be on display,
    the first lines felt very forced and impeded the flow of the poem

    Cascading, rolling, staining your face
    Rivers, droplets, oceans, lakes.
    You should let them flow, let them stream down. As it is easier to paddle, than it is to drown.
    i loved the last stanza in your poem. it was amazing and i feel there is something in the last line that i haven't quite understood but it still makes a huge impression.

  • 15 years ago

    by Thea

    Thank you :) and I'll have a look at the 1st line