A Feminist Railing Against Her Fellow Women

by Countess of Monte Cristo   Sep 2, 2009

Feminism. Women's rights. Women's emancipation. Europe and North America might have still achieved this, but there are many places in the world where women's basic rights are trampled upon.

I will not make this long, but i wanted to shed light on one thing nobody seems to talk about. Most women blame men for their own misfortunes. They say men were the ones who have kept women down, which is true, yes. But, what about the women who assist the men in keeping women down? What about the mothers who have assisted their male relatives in killing the girl in the family who has "shamed" their honor? What about the mother who physically and verbally abuses her daughter in front of her father and brothers? What about the mother who forces her daughter to marry someone she does not want to marry? What about the woman who steals the husband of her best friend and wrecks the home of the latter? What about the mother- in-law who is constantly trying to wreck the life of her daughter-in-law? Or vice versa, the daughter-in-law who won't stop unless she completely destroys the life of her husband's mother? And, what about those women in rural Egypt and parts of Africa who believe that circumcising their daughters is a way to prove their " purity." Yes, to those of you who are reading this, such women do exist. You might not hear about them, but practices such as these do exist and are very hard to eliminate. As if this isn't already shocking, in one TV interview, i saw a woman defending the practice of female circumcision while her husband was condemning it. Sometimes, men are the ones who defend women's rights more than certain women themselves.

I blame those women who act in an extremely immature way. They perpetuate patriarchy and female subordination by supporting the men against the sister/daughter/ and so on and so forth.

I'm sick of this talk of blaming men only. Yes, they are to blame, many things are to blame for indoctrinating men that women are subordinate to males, but in turn, some women have also been indoctrinated into believing that they are inferior to men, and do not stop unless they convince their own daughters of the same thing. Some women are to blame. God gave them brains to think with, yet they chose the easy way out.

They say women constitute half of the society, but i say they constitute much more. They are the ones who raise the next generations. The question is, how many more women will still continue to act foolishly?

I am a feminist. But, i do not condemn men. Of course not. I condemn those women who have trampled on the rights of other women for the purpose of jealousy, or some other reasons that are unknown to me. To those women, i say grow up. Stop treating your daughters,mothers, daughters-in-law-, mothers-in-law, etcetera, like crap.

I'm sick of closed-minded women. They are the reason society fails to progress forwards, because they teach their sons to act rudely towards females, and they teach their sons that it's okay to shout and hit your sister, wife, daughter, etcetera.

To those kind of women, i say grow up. Stop acting like fools.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Em

    Again, I am speechless. You're words are very true. 5/5, Em

  • 15 years ago

    by Sylvia

    I thank God everyday for the freedom I have to express myself and not fear punishment for that. My mother was a feminist in her own way and I suppose you could say I am as well. I agree with you that mothers have a responsibility to teach their sons it is not okay to treat women badly and also to teach their daugthers it is not okay to accept that behavior from men. When that does not happen, a great injustice has been done to those children and to the world. My views have caused a good deal of strife in my life but so be it, I will continue to speak my mind, demand the respect that I deserve. If those people around me cannot accept that, then my answer to them is to be gone. Thanks for writing this.

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