Think about you?
Miss you?
In every way.
Want to be near you?
That is hard to say.
Still love you?
Not in the right way.
Miss your friendship?
There's so much more to say.
Care for you?
In some kind of way.
Think we could have worked it out?
Truthfully no.
I'm sorry it has to be that way.
Do I..
Think we could have been the perfect couple?
Could be,
But you know the heart gets in the way.
And what is there left?
When I feel as though
My heart was ten thousand miles away
From you?
Can I lie to you?
Can I deceive you?
How non clever.
This is why we cannot be.
I cannot lie to you,
Cannot lie to 'we'
And make this be
You and me.
So do I think of you?
Miss you?
In every way.
Want to be near you?
That is hard to say.
Still love you?
I'm sorry it had to end this way.