Fictitious Character.

by Courageous Dreamer   Sep 13, 2009

Invalid statements spew
from thorny lips;
I'm not as gullible as you
believe; I see through those
transparent falsities.

Hatred dripping from your
dangerous fangs; a hint
of jealousy you are
unwilling to reveal.

Pathetic attempts are
executed drenched in
drama; yet I know better
to steer clear of this
contagious disease.

A persona of a fool
stands before me;
a fictitious character
weaved together by
threads of immaturity.


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  • 13 years ago

    by christopher

    Brilliant poem i love it is the best poem i have read so far on this site thanks for your gift couragous dreamer. i was losing hope you have restored my ego well done

  • 13 years ago

    by BlueJay

    You create some of the best imagery, and motion in this piece. I really enjoyed reading this, with all the creativity and all. You created a wonderful tone and stuck with it, which it seems most people fail to do. Though it is short, thanks to word count and the flow, it defiantly stands out to me and it was still amazing. This piece is one of the best I have found on this site. 5/5 and if it is not worth that, then please tell me, what is?

  • 13 years ago

    by yogi73

    I enjoy how this is about a ficticious character that is not quite so ficticious after all. The last stanza really did it well. very nice!

  • 14 years ago

    by Sunshine

    Amaaaaazinggg...high five**truthful
    gr8 writer u always beenn..truly amazing i loved this

  • 14 years ago

    by paige

    Gorgeous!! x

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