Love n hate

by ~*~ BeAuTiFuLlY BrOkEn ~*~   Sep 16, 2009

I hate how you can made me cry
I hate how I used to believe in you
I hated the way you sometimes made me feel like trash
I hated how well you play the game
I hate how bitter you made me feel
I hate how I know how hate can feel,
I miss your kiss,
I miss your hugs
I miss the way you smiled at me,
I miss the way you made my whole day just by what you say,
I miss how you made me feel beautiful,
I miss when you looked in my eyes,
I miss the sweet things you used to say,
I miss my finger in between yours
I miss you laughing when I did something stupid.
I am thankful for all of that
For I am that much stronger
That life didn't drive me mad
So I thank you. <3


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  • 15 years ago

    by DoRk

    Beautiful poem
    U give each side n at the end
    U give the thanks
    Cudnt have ended it any better

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