Fall Before A Broken Mind

by Indian Comma Bean   Sep 17, 2009

Dust rises under the sun.
Unsung beauty,
Hidden behind a silhouette
Of golden hairs dancing,
Mocking my breath,
Blinding the eyes of my soul;
Brilliant hues crush the night
The night that held my fears
In aging palms twisting truth
Between coarse fingers
Caressing the days sweet lie.
Water offers sadness
Masked with inspiration
Lying bloodied on emerald blades,
Waiting for roaming giants
To collect the corpses
Of moist
Underfoot lies neutral death
Fallen from analogous wonders
Mourning silently over
Lost children,
Taken by the wind.


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  • 15 years ago

    by ihrtschlepper

    I love the imagery in this poem, its real deep. im curious as to what inspired this poem, its so deep. good work!

  • 15 years ago

    by DreamingOutLoud

    Only word.

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