A Big Mistake...

by Miss Lovely   Sep 17, 2009

Pump the drugs
Through my veins
Numb my body
Get rid of the pain

Beat me bloody
Beat me blue
Keep in mind
I hurt you

I don't deserve
The love you give
I'll understand
If you never forgive

Yes I've cheated
Yes I've lied
I honestly regret it
Just Let me die

The pain causes protest
Ignore my pleas
Hit me hard
Make me wheeze

Slam me down
Laugh at the tears
Glare at my face
as the make-up smears.

A big mistake
It cost me everything
Looking back
Will always sting

Deanna Hill
(C) 9/16/2009


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  • 13 years ago

    by Hallucinostic

    Sounds more like " I hate myself poem" than a "Sad poem", anyways, I always believe that any release is a beautiful release and this is beautiful, despite the angst, hate, anger and etc. etc so on and so forth :)

  • 14 years ago

    by Clown

    Beautifully written, I can feel the guilt and self hatred. It made me feel angry at myself, I loved it, and if its based on fact, then I do feel sorry for you, cheating is a horrible thing, but you can change, so dont let yourself down, just pick yourself up and say leason lerned, Il never do that again

  • 15 years ago

    by Alicia

    I loved your poem! It was really intense... I especially liked the stanza...

    "Beat me bloody
    Beat me blue
    Keep in mind
    I hurt you"

    It reminded me of a childhood rhyme, which I can't place, but I still loved it! 5/5 for the amazing job for getting your feelings across.