My Beautiful Princess

by Marcus blake   Sep 20, 2009

You make my heart stop
For that moment
All I can see is you
Your beauty
With eyes like yours you could piece the sky
I bet you watch the angels at night
And sleep to angelic lullaby
You bring light to my eyes with your smile
It could save a hundred lives
feed a man for a life time
Your a gift form the sanctuary in sky
I love when we talk online
Every time I get a message
A ring form the my IM
I'm happy when it's u
Were online bound but i could care less
I've never seen you but I'm not gonna stress
More and more I adore u
I think it's your attitude
The way u Talk to me
The person that is u that you've come to show me
I'm glad i met you glad I sent the request
Cause I might of died and went to rest
Without meeting this beautiful princess...


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