Why Did I Fall Inlove With You

by XxBrokenInsidexX   Sep 21, 2009

My heart drops
My stomach tears in two
The tears roll
I dont know what to do

I drop the phone
And run from your reach
Im sick to my stomach
Why did you have to cheat

My eyes start to burn
My nose becomes runny
The more I imagine you with her
The more my head feels a little funny

My head begins to pound
As my heart slowly breaks
The pain is eating away at me
Our year together becoming such a waste

You try to deny it
But she tells me it all
With each passing word
I regret the day I happened to fall

Fall so deep in love
When I knew you couldnt change
Who was I kidding
A player always stays the same

Now I sit with great pain
My heart breaking in two
Why oh why
Did I fall in love with you


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  • 15 years ago

    by Mimed Lovette

    Wow, I love this piece. Can totally relate, 5/5(: