He came around
on his high white horse
With a big smile on his face
hand held out, waiting for me to take it
But i ran for it
I turned away, of the fear of
what happens if he isn't really my prince charming
my night in shinny armer
But right behind me he came
on his high white horse
with that hand held out
i was scared to think , this might be it
and it happened to young
So i ran for it
I believed he gave up
so what is a princess , going to do ?
I ran after him.
Like wild fire
He came back around
still on that high white horse
with that same hand still out
so i took it, and feared of letting go
But i guess once i got closer that fear came true
and reality struck
running so much from my prince charming
he finally gave up
in the fear of me letting go
My prince charming ran from me
and i have yet to find him again