I remember when you were here...the long hot summer days of swimming in the
lake and getting stuck in the rain. To the very first camping trips, with
charred hot dogs and marshmallows which were always roasted on the fire and
burnt to a crisp.
You have always been there since the day I was born, always there... so it
seemed.But spring came once again like every year and the day of all days
arrived. The angel of death came out to play, this was the tragic day your
voice was forever silenced by the bullet of a gun, another life taken.
Swiftly and painlessly.
So many questions resound in my head. I can only imagine in my mind what
happened that day. What caused you to take the vow of silence why you
seeked a permanent escape. So many of the answers lie buried within you.
So many things are left unanswered to me completely unexplained. I wish i
could have said goodbye one more time or gone on one more camping trip
before the day of all days arrived the day you said goodbye the day your
voice fell to the bullet of a gun.