My darling

by KissMeLikeYouMeanIt09   Oct 2, 2009

Look up at the stars shinning so bright,
As he leans over and kisses you goodnight.
When you kiss him back don't give him your all,
Because this my darling will be your hole down fall.

He will tell you he loves you and wants you for life,
Yet a year later he is cutting your heart out with a knife.
So don't fall for the soon to be broken lies,
Because you will be hurt before you know it as fast as time flies.

So my darling when he tries to take your virginity,
Just say no because that will be gone for infinity.
He will tell you so many wonderful things,
Like your beautiful and perfect and it wont hurt a bit but trust me my darling thats a lie it stings.

You will learn as life goes on that love is only a lie,
You will learn this lesson after you lay down and pray to die,
So believe me when i say its not worth the tears,
Just makes this so called word one of your worst fears.

Love is only a made up emotion that guys use to get a quick fix,
Because to most men love and sex don't mix.
They don't combine the to very often,
Unless their heart you can soften.

Yet my darling that doesn't happen as much as you think,
So when your falling in love make sure not to blink.
Because before you know it your laying down,
But he isn't there because he got what he wanted and all your left with is a frown.

So my darling sleep by yourself tonight,
and make love your main fright.
Because it will come and take everything that you love,
then fly away as fast as a dove.


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  • 13 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    Anyone you can write something like this, really has a talent for writing poetry, or probably writing anything. This poem really flows off your tongue with good rhyming and movement. Amazing work on this poem, this is one of my new peoms. It's a really sad tale, but it is true.

  • 13 years ago

    by Marvellous

    It's a terrible thing to fear.. Nothing comes true, outside Belief.. The Ignorance, is Your terror. Nice rhyme cadence!