Moon Rise, Moon Set

by Someone   Oct 3, 2009

The pointing fingers attached to faces with morbid disgust
Hollow laughter with obvious distrust
Constantly watching your own back with blind eyes
Pretending to live when your soul slowly dies

Singing a song of masked praise
As you run like a mouse in your own little maze
Not knowing or not understanding that this is a fake
Drowing, drowning, in emotion like that of a lake

You think they judge
You think they laugh
But really you are just full of yourself
A real boy pretending to be Pinocchio

They never really made fun of you
They actually laughed at your jokes

They never pointed fingers
Or even doubted your trust

She never hurt you
you hurt yourself

She said I love you
You thought she lied

But really you screamed
Tears sting your face

You couldn't cope
You couldn't handle

But they are actually right here.
Still standing at your side
Their whisper call to you
"Stand up, don't hide"

They help you up and shake you
Yelling at you to snap you out.

"This is all a dream"


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  • 15 years ago

    by Ingrid

    This is really very deep and meaningful and it has a message that is profound: don't shut others out emotionally because of your own insecurity..It has been said we cannot truly love another human being until we have learned to love ourself and I tend to believe that is true.
    Often, especially when we have faced abuse ( in whatever kind of way) we are scared to let someone in..I don't know if this is the case with you, but would not be surprised if it was so.

    On the technical side: I would have made the whole poem non- rhyming and not just partly, but that is just my opinion:)

    Good job on portraying your feelings:)

    God bless.

    5/5 Ingrid