The rage in me

by joe m durham   Oct 10, 2009

Intimidation is nothing but a train of thought. feeling pain with no tears eliminates anybody in your way. one who fears defeat will always be defeated. i am my own person who only i understand. my body feels like no other my faith is running low but my body is getting stronger my mind is getting crazy and my thoughts feeling with rage. it runs my body this feeling i cant stop even if i wanted to. I'm not crazy i just feel as if i have 100 souls and each ones telling me a story. the tears i cry the blood i shed is all to make me stronger. my body runs of a mind and my mind runs off a brain. as my mind eliminates intimidation and defeat i will not see. my brain relays thoughts to my limbs to whatever i have to do to feel the satisfying pleasure of one in my hands I'm a beast a machine with no feeling no thoughts but built on rage what am i here for i have a purpose but yet to find it maybe I'm crazy or maybe you don't understand me but its who i am and I'm the only person who can feel that!


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  • 14 years ago

    by joe m durham

    This is what my body feels like in side sorry not a poem

  • 14 years ago

    by danielle

    Wow its a very uhhh angry poem but really good keep up the good work :)

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