Murder Or Victim?

by Jasmine   Oct 10, 2009

A pillow filled with feathers
His hands covered with blood.
Is he the murder,
Or is he the victim.

He see a body on the ground,
He puts the pillow down,
To see who it is.

He see it a man is he dead?
He goes closer blood is everywhere.
Is he the murder,
Or is he the victim.

He comes closer and closer,
The face is covered with a pillow,
He takes the pillow off.

And what does he see?
Before i tell you,
What do you think.
Murder or victim.
Lets find out and see.

The person that he sees is...
Himself on the ground dead.
He's in shock and doesn't know what to do,
Or what he is.

So what did you think.
Murder or victim,
At the end He was the victim this whole time.


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by Loveless Dreamer

    Well written. i thought he was the murder....great. 5/5


  • 15 years ago

    by Em

    Very mysterious, I like this. Well writen, 5/5. Em

  • 15 years ago

    by Moon

    Heey i really luvd ur poem .. its tricky and its meanin is kinda dark but cool ... ;)

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