Where Would I Be...

by jescelle   Oct 11, 2009

Transparent fingers trace my spine,
Sending shocks of fear through me.
Without the whispers in your eyes,
Where the hell would I be?

Without your head resting in my lap,
The madness would overtake.
Anger, control, and failure flash,
A hated present through clouds opaque.

I'm so in love my visions blurry,
The feel of your skin divine.

To kiss the freckles on your shoulder,
Is now the shiver in my spine.

The scent buried deep in your neck,
The roughness of your hands,

The depth of your voice when you moan for me...
Such a smart and sensitive man.

I'm so grateful, how can I show you,
That your all I'll ever need?
I'll give you my spirit, my body, and life,
My heart, and someday my seed.

You've got me Eric Keith,
I love you more with each breath.
Thank you for saving me, body and soul,
My husband, my lover, my friend...

Until death.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Karl Wild GG23

    This is relatable in so many ways for me because I love my fiancee more than life and would do anything for her. Its good to feel that way because it reminds you how precious life is and just how amazing it can be. Once again flow was awesome and imagery was really well done.

  • 15 years ago

    by Kristina

    Wow! Brilliant poem you have written here. I can definitely relate to this and I'm sure a lot of other people as well can. You did a really great job writing this! The flow was perfect! Keep on writing! 5/5


  • 15 years ago

    by PinkyPrincess

    Aww.. this is a very sweet and loving poem. I love it. Great job!

  • 15 years ago

    by Ken

    Thanks for the vote and comment. good job with this poem keep up the good work