Comments : A child's laugh

  • 15 years ago

    by Emotiionsz

    Whoa thats deep! I love it!

    Adding to my Favorite List...I love the quick transition!


    Check My Poem Brother Out!

  • 15 years ago

    by East Poetry

    Yes that's so true. It's amazing how awesome the sight and sound of seeing a baby laugh is. But on the other note, hearing a baby cry makes you want to pull your hair out.

    thanks for an exceptional read.

    Check out one of my poems.

  • 14 years ago

    by ShIsAnA tHe OnE aNd OnLy

    "it stains the walls" my favorite line but this is amazing truly beautiful, you are an amazing writer. you inspire people like me^_^

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    On reading some of your other stuff I think this has a deeper meaning that what some people think.

    A Childs laugh is one of the greater things in life and should be cherished on the other hand a child's cry well it's not to be ignored unless its for attention and you know that.

    This poem is so deep and meaningful and as I say as a deeper insight to it on reading your other stuff (I feel) and it's quite painful for me as I have children because these kinds of things happen daily.

    'it soaks the walls' this line grips me because even though the cries aren't heard by people the walls can hear them.. Please correct me if I am wrong about what it's about though. I just feel there's a deeper meaning to this and it's very powerful.

    Take care, Em

    • 8 years ago

      by Nobody

      Thank you! Yes there is a deeper and slightly darker meaning to this poem, regarding sexual abuse and child molestation. The lines such as "It soaks the walls" and "It stains the walls" are trying to portray what happens behind close doors, just because others may not know does not mean it did not happen. The child, the abuser, and the walls know. The walls also represent the secret nature of the act that no one but the walls can see and hear the pain of the victim. I did the contrast to show the difference between a happy protected child and what a child feels in the abuse. They are so innocent and I wanted to portray that in the contrast as well. The sheer evil that can happen to a child is so conflicted with the innocent nature of a child.

    • 8 years ago

      by Nobody

      Thank you! Yes there is a deeper and slightly darker meaning to this poem, regarding sexual abuse and child molestation. The lines such as "It soaks the walls" and "It stains the walls" are trying to portray what happens behind close doors, just because others may not know does not mean it did not happen. The child, the abuser, and the walls know. The walls also represent the secret nature of the act that no one but the walls can see and hear the pain of the victim. I did the contrast to show the difference between a happy protected child and what a child feels in the abuse. They are so innocent and I wanted to portray that in the contrast as well. The sheer evil that can happen to a child is so conflicted with the innocent nature of a child.

    • 8 years ago

      by Nobody

      Thank you! Yes there is a deeper and slightly darker meaning to this poem, regarding sexual abuse and child molestation. The lines such as "It soaks the walls" and "It stains the walls" are trying to portray what happens behind close doors, just because others may not know does not mean it did not happen. The child, the abuser, and the walls know. The walls also represent the secret nature of the act that no one but the walls can see and hear the pain of the victim. I did the contrast to show the difference between a happy protected child and what a child feels in the abuse. They are so innocent and I wanted to portray that in the contrast as well. The sheer evil that can happen to a child is so conflicted with the innocent nature of a child.