Therefore I am...

by ReBecca   Oct 13, 2009

"Therefore I am..."

I miss you. I miss hearing your voice. I miss hearing your laughter. I miss the beginning, I miss the middle, I miss the after.

My heart is heavy when I don't talk to you. I feel crazy and I wonder what it is you've done to me. I wonder how I'll find it in me to hope again, if you leave me shattered and broken. I wonder how I'll greet another day with joy, if you're gone from me forever. I wonder how I'll stop the tears that clog my soul at the very thought of a world that doesn't include you. I wonder.
Do you wonder too?

I hate feeling this total loss of control over this love I feel. I hate this feeling of falling off a precipice...
into an unknown abyss.
I hate not knowing, if you too, are feeling this.

I want to be your everything. I want to be your rock, I want to be your shelter.
I want to be your haven.
I want to be your smile in the morning, and your dreams at night.
I want to be your sea, your moon and stars. I want to be your eternal light.
I fear the intensity. I fear the unknown. I fear the reality.
I fear the courage it takes to trust.
I fear because it's my heart. I fear, because I must.

I Love....therefore I am, therefore I will, therefore I do...

ReBecca Sanchez


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  • 15 years ago


    Wow i just got out of a relationship with the mother of my son. and let me just tell you if i could express how i feel now it would all be in this poem. good job!!! i love it

  • 15 years ago

    by The Queen

    This was a very emotional piece from you.

    I wonder how I'll stop the tears that clog my soul at the very thought of a world that doesn't include you.
    ^^I could not read it any farther with ease.

    I loved the ending too, very touching.