Restless Bird

by Countess of Monte Cristo   Oct 17, 2009

Love me tender.
Love me well.
Listen to the beats of my heart
And the stories that it tells.

Love me tight
And love me true.
But be careful, I'm a restless bird
That won't be caged by you.

I've found my company in the skies.
Beside the trees, the lakes and the stars.
But if you try to keep me too close
Then I'll want to fly far.

I'll fly far, far away
To the land where there is no pain.
Where i don't have anything to lose
And everything to gain.

So love me tender
And love me true.
But remember, I'm a restless bird
That will not be caged by you.

*There is a fine line between love and possessiveness.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Em

    I truly understand this piece, love is a beautiful thing but when taken to higher depths, like possessiveness, it can become a really horrible feeling. 5/5, Em

  • 15 years ago

    by Dreamofolwin

    Another great poem from your pen ... that matched your quote so well. I loved it. Its message is true... possesiveness can suffocate love. Very well written and expressed Countess :)

  • 15 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    I agree there is a fine line between love and possessiveness. Sounds like you've been through many experiences of love. Your words are always so full of wisdom and lessons to be learned. Well done Walah (:

  • 15 years ago

    by Sylvia

    The last line is a very true statement and if that line crosses to be possessive over someone, it kills the love the other person has. Well done.

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