Comments : I Finally Found You!

  • 15 years ago

    by Kalee

    This is a really lovely poem. the flow and rhyming were done wonderfully. and the emotion up put into it was clear to see. 5/5


  • 15 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    My first suggestion would be not to have a period after every single line, the abrupt stop is not needed, you can place the period at the end of the stanza but not after each and every line.

    "cant" should be "can't".

    Capitalize your "i"s.

    "Your" should be "You're".

    Now to the poem itself, I would say 4/5 from me. I could tell your words were straight from the heart and I admire that but in some places the wording was a bit brief/ awkward.

    It got better as I read on but I wanted to know in full detail, not just the basics. What is her voice like? What are her eyes like? Do you believe that this love is perpetual? Are you unified? I just think it could have been much more elaborated and I just didn't get into this as I thought I would.

    I did read some good parts though and you do have much talent, but I would just take the time to review and go over this piece. Just my opinion though.

    God bless you and Merry Christmas!
