Stunned By Snowflakes

by Sheep   Oct 24, 2009

A dream was still fresh in my mind
When I sat up to this wondrous find
I rubbed my eyes and looked around
A winters beauty I had found

I pressed my hands against the glass
With wishes that the clean would last
Through the day and never stop
This awesome view from far above

Of sun just barely peeking through
And wandering white that somehow knew
The stunning dance it improvised
As it fell with grace from pure white skies

How speechless neighbors stayed inside
And kept their cars away to hide
The preserve the beauty for the rest of us
Who's aim is nothing but to discus

The wonders of our nature dear
And the compliments she'll never hear
When locked away by handsome white
That no one really wants to fight

For they're to busy, as am I
Watching, gaping, at the sky


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  • 15 years ago

    by Tom Swart

    All I can say is three words - bravo bravo bravo! nicely done!

  • 15 years ago

    by Jessie

    I love this, It gives me such a happy feeling, especially with christmas coming so soon. 5/5 good work

    P.S check out some of mine if you would like