Silent Cuddles (Rictameter)

by Angie   Oct 28, 2009

Silent Cuddles

late in the night
when the moon and stars play
bodies pressed tightly together
cocooned within warm comfortable arms
whisper soft breaths fall upon cheeks
as we sleep peacefully
wrapped in silent


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  • 14 years ago

    by Natalie84

    Hmmmm...there you go again...hmmmmm

    Where have I been ang...I'm feeling this stuff so much! Nice write my and your pencil rock my socks!!! Rock on chica!!!

  • 15 years ago

    by OHgreenman

    I like the vision and soft 'feeling' within this flawless piece. Wonderfully penned!!

  • 15 years ago

    by Kurt

    Beautiful. Accurate depiction of how it feels to be able to be close to the one you love. Well written. 5/5