Issei Sagawa, born 1949, is a petite Japanese man who in 1981 murdered and cannibalized a Dutch woman named Renee Hartevelt. On August 12, 1986, Sagawa was released after serving just 5 years at a mental hospital. Today, a free man, Sagawa has gained minor celebrity, appearing occasionally on talk shows.
His brutal murder and monstrous cannibalism of Renee Hartevelt has been romanticized. Fans of Sagawa are sympathetic.
Limp, odd and small as a child
Propped on pencil sticks
Surprise is void
How I grew to be
Weak, ugly and small as a man
Maybe if I eat you
I will grow
My Renee
I knew you for my one true love
Over green tea and
Literary conversation
Big and white - that I am not
That I can never be
My Dutch fantasy
I wish to eat you.
I wish to make love after
Pulling my trigger to spray
The nape of
Your lovely foreign locks
With .22 caliber semen
I wish to lap such corn-filled
Luscious hips, strong legs
And swivel your lips
As cardboard cookie cut outs
My Renee
How your cold and careless body
Wraps me in its loving nest
Health and beauty
I beseech, let me grow
And leave this broken shell
To be the graceful swan
That is you
My Renee
Soft, odorless flesh
I breathe in and engulf whole
Shivering with desire,
Unrequited passion
To propel a man, so weak
So ugly
So small
A 5 year charge
My Renee
Do you know what they say?
Oh, my Renee
They say I ate you
Because I love you