Comments : I am in love with you.

  • 15 years ago

    by Kurt

    Honest, raw emotion. I can't take anything away from a write inspired by passion. Expressing love and emotions through a poem takes courage and should be greeted with joy and compliments. I applaud your efforts and greatly enjoyed reading this. Well done.

    Few Typos: Feet (instead feat) and separate (instead of seperate)

  • Wow this makes my poems look rubbish :O haha very nicely written poem, quite some length too. Format and flow was flawless. Keep up the good work =)


  • 15 years ago

    by Mimed Lovette

    Boy you sure do have the spirit to write long poems lol. And I thought it was quite a pleasant read, just a few spelling mistakes to correct and you're ready to go!

    My heart starts to seperete.
    ^ seperate.

    There are so many girls that you can lift off there feet.
    ^ their feet

    Damnit I miss you when your ten feat away!
    ^ feet

    YOUR MY WHOLE HEART, I have no dought in a second.
    ^ doubt

    Usually I dont fall so hard, so im confusded and it shows.
    ^ confused

    But those words could not describe those fealings for real.
    ^ feelings

  • 15 years ago

    by Jes

    Aw I liked the emotion you put in this. I think you have real talent. Good Work!

  • 15 years ago

    by Mary

    Hey hun
    Thanks so much for your comment on my poem....

    This poem was really great...
    It was long but suprisingly it never dragged on...
    I liked it a lot because i could relate to it and it was so unique and greatly written...
    Keep up the good work <3

  • 15 years ago

    by Allanah Asphyxia

    Very Good Poem, I enjoyed reading it,(:
    Nice Flow, :D

  • 14 years ago

    by H. Elizabeth

    Aww...this was so sweet and sincere!=D! I really enjoyed it!!!!! Great job and keep up the great work =) !


  • 14 years ago

    by SolemnWish

    This was amazing :)
    i especially love the line" dammit i miss u when ur ten feet away "
    that was a great line

  • 14 years ago

    by brokenhearted teenage girl

    Oh my god, 11/10.
    aamazing work, I loved this.
    please never stop writing, ever.
    you have an amazing talent and don't let any body, tell you differently.

    * Katie, xo.

  • 14 years ago

    by RainbowSlider

    I really enjoyed the sincerity. Its real love to me.

  • 14 years ago

    by Jim McMillen the man within

    You have shown a lot of emotions here & I believe that is the purpose of poetry , to release & to share . In that respect you have done an exelent job . Though the poem is rather long I don't see that as a bad thing ,
    I think as you write more you will be able to say more with less words , to let each stanza progress with an evolving message instead of being repetative . I think Kurt said it best in the first comment & I am only wanting to give you a few pointers . It's a very good poem please keep writing for us to enjoy ...Jim

  • 13 years ago

    by H E Losey

    As with the other poem, many puntuation errors, word usage errors(your/you're), spelling errors throughout. These take away from the poem when one attempts to read it. Both the rhyme scheme and the rhythm change within this verse.

  • 13 years ago

    by Isabelle

    Very honest! yes.. we all feel the insecurity.. but i think u are unnecessarily worrying too much girl!..from your poem i understand that u still have him. enjoy what u got now. and live in the now. be fully present in the now. and stop worrying!!! u'd be much better off that way. not only for u but for the two of you! :) be happy stay happy! :)

  • 13 years ago

    by LivHelen Kernan

    I know I sound trite when I write this but...its truly what I believe...emotion in writing is what people believe...and your emotion was completely thee. I loved it

  • 13 years ago

    by BlueJay

    This is amazing. The length only proves that you repeat somethings like every stanza or two, and could easily be condensed, but if you left it it would still be ok, just really wordy. Emotion and voice are obviously there and they give way to your tone. There really is no flow in this piece. Somehow, I still enjoyed this a lot, great job