Happily Together

by Kristina   Oct 31, 2009

When I am with you I feel no pain,
It's as if everything is perfect.
When your arms are around me,
I feel like every thing's gonna be alright.
When I am with you my worries are gone,
Only happiness is what I feel.

All I think about is you and me,
How happy I am that we are together.
You mean the world to me,
I don't think there is a way to show you
how much you truly mean to me,
Everything I do, I only think about you.

Copyright © January 30, 2008 - Kristina M.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Stephanie Naylor

    I thought this poem was just sort of bland. There are a million poems out there just like this, but with some revision i think it could be better. But until then i give it a 4/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Lori

    It is wonderful to feel love. Although it can be dangerous, it takes over you and it makes your life feel lovely. You did a great job expressing these feelings in this piece. It was simple and well written :)

    When I am with you I feel no pain,
    It's as if everything is perfect.
    When your arms are around me,
    I feel like every thing's gonna be alright.
    When I am with you my worries are gone,
    Only happiness is what I feel.

    ^As I was saying, love makes you feel as if your life is perfect. Forget all about the pain. Such beautiful words :) and you did an awesome job explaining your love for this guy!

    All I think about is you and me,
    How happy I am that we are together.
    You mean the world to me,
    I don't think there is a way to show you
    how much you truly mean to me,
    Everything I do, I only think about you.

    ^Awww. So cute! Very cute ending as well. It worked very well with the theme :)

    Overall, you did a fantastic job on this poem. I can tell you really put your heart into it. You are quite talented. 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Stazifer Stazington

    Kinda generic and obsessive.

    i didn't feel any substance, but i don't mean to demotivate you. skim through a dictionary or a thesaurus to use better words.

  • 15 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    This on really reflects feelings of being in love

    Well done I would change a thing

  • 15 years ago

    by alysha

    This poem was really well done i love reading what you write keep it up ♥