What The World Does

by Loveless Dreamer   Oct 31, 2009

So many questions
No Answers
Only darkness
No light
I am a prisoner
of evil
Or just a messed up world
everyone just ignores
What they can painly see
they don't care enough
To bother, to say anything
They just pass by
everyone who stretches out a hand
searching for help
Or searching for ridiculous
Hope they will never find
Everyone tells me to hope
and when I think
it might just be possible
I look at the news
I see the blood
The wars
I could see people's scars
and I seen despairing
Loved ones
unable to accept the horrible truth
I just don't get it
So when it all
comes down to the fine line
Is the world
just trying to makes me EMO?!?


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  • 14 years ago

    by Sora

    Nicely written poem. deep and quite true, many people won't write ones like yours. an honest write. great work, keep writing! 5/5

  • 14 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    I liked this poem. It was pretty much just you telling us how you feel. It was raw and very powerful. Poems like this are the best ones. Nice work. Nik

  • 15 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    This well written poem reaches into the very heart of EMO

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