Fear Of The Future

by Daniel Rutter   Nov 2, 2009

Its the future that brings us down,
The past makes it so unclear,
We'll hang on to a memory,
Because the future is what we fear.

We'll watch the sun go down,
not knowing what tomorrow will bring,
hoping we will not have to face it alone,
Because all we want is one thing.

No matter what the future will hold,
the past we no longer fear,
the memories are stale and old;
the future will keep us here.

But the past leaves us lonely,
Craving the one thing we fear,
Is the pain that it comes with,
Worth the loneliness we feel?

Part of us knows its stupid to feel this way;
Knowing the safe shell keeps it all out,
Theres pain in every corner,
What the hell do we do?

Afraid to move on,
Still haunted from our pasts,
Will we ever live and let die?
Or die alone.


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  • 15 years ago

    by SheenaMarie

    Great message...excellent write 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Sylvia

    Haven't read your work before but enjoyed this very much. Fear of the future and for that matter fear on anything can hold us back from living. We have to work to overcome that fear and live life to the fullest. Well done.