Purely Gate of the Heavens

by Chaos   Nov 2, 2009

I am sitting here all beaten up,
I try to cover my ears,
Not to hear the screams and the pleads not to kill them,
I am just too weak,
I close my eyes,
When I was about to fall asleep,
I got a kick in the side,
And when I looked up there stood like a statue of dreaded instead of protection,
When I look into his eyes I see so much sadness that it broke my heart,
Before the shot , I asked 'Warum sind Sie, dieses kleine zu tun?' the answer sent my broken heart to shatter 'Weil von meinem Kommandanten ich erklärt wurde und dann kann ich zurck nach Hause gehen.'
I asked for a final wish,
I got one,
I asked the young one to come closer,
'Kleines man kann ich Ihren Namen kennen?', 'ja ist es Alexander, den Christ...ich fähig, Ihren Namen zu kennen sind?�, with my last breath before I die I gave it to him 'Markus Egon'
Then I knew no more,
When I opened my eyes again there I stand in front of the gates to heaven.
When the angels noticed I was there they were going to help me into heaven's gets but I told them 'I half to wait for someone.' They got this knowing look on my face.
I waited for so long that I lost count for the years,
When I looked back up I saw the one I was waiting for,
When he looked up at the purely gates then back down he locked the same as he did when I last saw him,
When he saw me he got this shocked look on his face then scared look like I was going to hit him,
When I went up to him I embraced him and said 'Willkommenes Haus mein Sohn.' When he heard these words I spoke he got a happy look and just started to cry,
I let him cry and just stood there embracing him.

1(Why are you doing this little one?)
2(because I was told to by my commander and then I can go back home)
3(Little one can I know your name?)
4(yes it is Alexander Christian�am I able to know your name?)
5(Welcome home my son)


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  • 15 years ago

    by Chaos

    Thank you, n ur welcome i like them two.

  • 15 years ago

    by Mr Rhee

    Awsome story. Very interesting piece. Thanks for translating. Story poems are some of my favorite.