No matter what the time I'm always scared
I feel shakey and nervous and nobody cares
I no longer feel happiness or smiles
But these fears i gave drag on for miles
No I'm not a baby or a drama queen
But all this fright, what could it mean?
Am I immature and unprepared for life?
However, I'm not the least bit scared to pick up a knife
I am afraid of walking around in the light
But not afraid as the lighter burns my skin bright
I cannot talk without fumbling my words
When it comes to cutting I don't think and just go forewords
I'm not afraid to pass out and drink
I am afraid to speak without having time to think
I am terrified to be happy known everything will so crash down
I can't smile knowing how quickly it will be back to a frown
It is so easy for me to be silent knowing if I speak I won't be heard
So for now I am not able to speak on single word
I have no problem with sleeping through half my life
The only thing that keeps me awake is a knife
Gruesome things don't effect me on bit
Happy things make me jealous and I feel like I've been hit
All the lyrics to songs hit me right in the chest
Sometimes I think that death would be the best
I shake and stubble through the day
I'm just trying to find permenate happiness and and make my way
Aww Amelia.
Your poem was great, it was full of emotion and the lines, though some were longer then others flowed pretty well.
I love your poems chica.
Keep em coming, 5/5
(you can talk to me whenever)