Hit Rock Bottom

by Countess of Monte Cristo   Nov 3, 2009

I've hit rock bottom,
You don't even know how it feels,
To stand between darkness in its blackest corner,
And all that's fake becomes real.

I've screamed from the top of my lungs,
While everybody ignored.
My soul's been broken so many times,
Another bout of depression I cannot afford.

Sometimes I doubt myself.
Perhaps it is just me?
Maybe the problem lies within my soul,
Damned by a defective personality.

I don't know,
I honestly can't say anymore.
Who I am, or what I am is unbeknown to me,
A mysterious area to be explored.

I've hit rock bottom,
But you will never know how it feels,
To wish you had never loved or trusted anyone,
And instead had a heart of steel.

*We might think it's easy, but discovering who we are is the most difficult thing in the world.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Em

    This is sad but inspirational & you're right knowing who we truly are is the hardest thing any of us can do. 5/5, Em

  • 15 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    It's definatly hard to trust anyone these days, and it's sad when they do hurt us and we are heartbroken. I felt like this poem was powerful in that the voice of the author was easily heard--the powerful emotion.

  • 15 years ago

    by Sylvia

    Doubting ourselves is part of living and growing and I don't think it ever ends. When our trust is broken by someone we love, it can affect the remainder of our lives but we must try to find a way to trust again. Well done.

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