As hard as I try i cant do it right
And the more you disapprove, the more i try to fight
So ill Lie to you so you don't get mad
Though i know what I'm doing is bad
You don't understand cuz you cant see me cry
So instead of your anger I make up a Lie
My apologies are never enough
Cuz in my years I've lie too much
So ill tell you that I'm sorry before i start to cry
But i know to you its just another lie
I mean no hard, I'm not that bad
I just hate to see you mad I cant see your love when you yell at my mistakes
And the disappointment in your words is more than i can take
All i want is to know you care
And the affection that i seek, simply isn't there
So ill tell you that I'm sorry for all my evil deeds
But you might think I'm lying just to cover up my needs